Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I now also have a Flickr account. The link is to the right of this post! Check it out! Here is a sample. :)

Benny's Pizza

The initial reason I ever had the intention of starting a blog was to chronicle my culinary adventures and while doing so to maybe mix in some Saved By the Bell or Seinfeld references. I then realized it would be fun to also share some of the photo’s I randomly take and get excited about. I’m so excited, I’m so excited, I’m so…. scared. (Saved By the Bell reference #1)
So here it is. The beginning. (Not the true beginning, for that read the first chapter of the Book of John.) Benny’s Pizza.
I had driven past Benny’s Pizza on several occasions traveling to different fishing locations. Long story short, its relatively in the “boonies”. Then it came to pass that my fellow band mate, Kelly Bisby(myspace.com/thebeatboxcarchildren), had grown up not to far from Benny’s and also had grown up eating Benny’s Pizza. Need I say more?

Upon entering I was pretty excited. Another fellow band mate, Jake Lyle(myspace.com/thebeatboxcarchildren), had told me that the pizza wasn’t all that great. I didn’t let that hold me back though. I went ahead and order a large half BBQ Chicken Pizza half Pepperoni pizza. (The pepperoni half was me playing it safe.) Think about it… here I was… first time at a restaurant and also the first time eating BBQ chicken Pizza. It was officially risky business. Long story short I ate the entire BBQ chicken half (this was a large… it was about 6 nice sized slices on each half) and all but 2 slices on the pepperoni side.

Now maybe I have been drowning in the stunningly similar quad city pizza joints usual flavors and styles of pizza, but this was fantastic. It is officially my new favorite pizza joint. I know that seems extreme, but for the time being, Benny’s pizza is just so refreshingly delicious. The only downside: I will have to do more one armed push ups than even A.C. Slater could even dreamt of doing in order to work off all the pounds I put on eating! (#2)
P.S.- thanks to Kelly Bisby Sr. for funding this occasion!